Knowledge must be shared. Dialogue and exchange have been the oldest form of debate used by scientists and intellectuals since the days before scientific publications existed. To somebody the dialogue was actually the only way to achieve truth. A practice that has been consolidated throughout human history and today is the foundation of the scientific method, based on observation, experimentation, measurement, and sharing of results.
Therefore, it is extremely important to discuss and interact with each other, especially when talking about well-being.
Lefay Wellness Weeks are days devoted to wellness, when the Lefay SPAs open their doors to the most renowned experts in the various holistic disciplines. During these weeks, it will be possible to try out the exclusive Lefay SPA wellness offer, combined with the methods and treatments proposed by the “visiting masters”, specialised in techniques other than those provided by Lefay SPA Method.
A valuable occasion that allows guests to rely on new and lesser-known methodologies, offering the chance to enrich their self-care experience and rediscover unexplored personal aspects.
Moreover, the presence of several masters from all over the world is also an opportunity to spread the knowledge of the Lefay SPA Method and to supplement it with constantly updated approaches.
It also offers the chance to the entire team to expand their expertise and enrich their repertoire of knowledge through the direct experience of the various methods used by the visiting practitioners.
The Wellness Week 2024 calendar is now online on our websites: selected visiting practitioners will be hosted both at Lefay SPA Lago di Garda and at Lefay SPA Dolomiti. We suggest you to periodically check the schedule, to stay updated on all news and newly confirmed masters.