Lockdown and its restrictions have dramatically altered many of our habits, but good healthy food and at-home-workout working home are still pursued. Amidst the myriad of tutorials and webinars for online training, the latest beauty and wellness trend has emerged: facial gymnastics.
According to several studies published by the most authoritative scientific journals, after 20 weeks of facial gymnastics, the cheeks appear fuller, and the face rejuvenates.
It is a type of anti-ageing gymnastics that tones the muscles of the face, prevents and reduces wrinkles and brightens the skin. On an average, the face is made up of 70 muscles: exercising them constantly means fighting skin ageing, redefining the oval, stimulating micro-circulation and increasing the production of collagen and elastin. In short, regaining a more toned skin and a brighter look.
There are various methods, some signed and patented by renowned international beauticians, but it only takes a little research to get a complete list of basic movements used to fight the so-called smile lines and wrinkles around the eyes.
Among the numerous Lefay SPA activities, facial gymnastics has been practised by our experts for years, following the Fit & FaceĀ® method, which integrates the training of facial muscles with postural work.
Acting on the main points of accumulation of tension in the body (pelvis-column-shoulders-neck-mandible) immediately relaxes the features and promotes effective and harmonious work on our face that will last over time.
Not only training: premature ageing is also a consequence of bad habits, such as an unbalanced diet, high alcohol consumption and smoking, the use of unsuitable products, pollution and much more.
Besides paying attention to these habits, take a few minutes every day in front of the mirror and start with the basics, with movements focused on the areas you consider most critical: to lift your forehead and eyelids, raise your eyebrows and keep them raised for at least 20 seconds. You can also reduce the appearance of dark circles by blinking about ten times and closing your eyes normally for 10 seconds without frowning.
The well-known ‘crow’s feet’ are reduced by closing the eyes and gently pulling the eyelids towards the temples using the fingers, particularly the middle finger. Finally, open your eyes as far as possible and hold the position for 20 seconds.
Each exercise should be repeated 10 times.